About Image

I tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination.

I am a extremely curious individual who finds almost any topic interesting. I have a growth mindset and I’m always keen to learn. I am principled, motivated and always willing to make a positive contribution to the world.
  • Love

    Be excellent to each other

    Open, kind, and honest. I care about my work, which means I care about the user the most.
  • Dry

    I code (mostly) DRY

    When appropriate my code is modular, always human readable too.
  • Atomic

    Push the limits

    I love to break new grounds, and revel in unknowns. Always ask “why not?”
  • MVC


    I live and breathe integrity, empathy, and quality. Always and in everything I do.
  • Love

    Love the users

    As a person with a background in design. I listen to the user and also hear their unstated needs.
  • Agile

    Details, details, details

    Brand terrorists onward and upward!

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