Developer Hero Illustration

Portfolio + Personal Info
Hey there I'm Jaco

an experienced Frontend Engineer & UI designer based in Cape Town, South Africa

Project List
Blood, Sweat and tears included

( not too much blood, I promise )
Kanban App

Code Challenge
Fullstack Kanban App

NextJs, Prisma ORM, Postgress

The I created the Kanban Task Management App with NextJs, Postgres as the database and Prisma as the ORM.
Dreadful Cherries

Code Challenge
Dreadful Cherry Tomatoes (Rviewer)

React, Typescript

Dreadful Cherry Tomatoes is a new platform to find movies. The main objective is to help users to find information about their favourite movies. To do so, the company has to create a new web app that allow users to do some fancy things.
Nasa Media Library Challenge

Code Challenge

React, Typescript, Formik, Yup, Chakra

NASA has revealed a public API for the image collection. A React single page application, the solution consists of 2 pages: search and show. The application is usable on mobile devices as well. Basic tests provided the code.

My Methodologies and Processes

Important to get that product or project shipped for the users is priority number one
  • Agile


    Instead of betting everything on a "big bang" launch, an agile team delivers work in small, but consumable, increments.
  • MVC


    This is done to separate internal representations of information from the ways information is presented to and accepted from the user.
  • Love

    Open and Respectful Communication

    Respect, empathy and kindness, enough said
  • Atomic

    Atomic Design Methodology

    When creating a design system I follow the Atomic Design Principles
  • Readable Code

    Readable and Quality Code

    Code for humans to read
  • Dry

    DRY and Modular Code

    Code that is reuasable and not repeated ( when it make sense )

LinkedIn and Github Profiles
Visit my other online profiles

Please connect with me on LinkedIn or on my Github Profile

Floating Illustration